Bronto, Zappos and the Pursuit of E-Commerce Happiness

Today Bronto is sponsoring a webcast with Tony Hsieh of Zappos.  I will be speaking for about 10 minutes at the end about the importance of an exceptional company culture and the leveraging e-commerce technologies for ensuring superior customer satisfaction and business growth.
Like Zappos, we have had a deep commitment to an engaging and creative company culture since the very beginning. Early in Bronto’s history we scribbled down some guiding principles that still influence today. One of the most memorable was “Happy Brontos equals Happy Customers.” It’s simple but very true.

Hear the Zappos and Bronto story for yourself.  Register for the webcast:

  • Conversation with Tony Hsieh of Zappos.
  • Hosted by DM News. Sponsored by Bronto.
  • Monday, June 28 @ 1pm EST
  • $99 to attend
  • Register online